Anonymous Anus · 2mo

I thought you were going to write seungjun trying to put a baby in hyojin :( Was your poll a lie

Anon, my sweet anon, I'm still going to do that too! I think the concept might fit better in my feederism hyoj vampire fic so I'm working on stuffing it in there. I actually started working on this jtion one back in January before I ever conceptualized the hyoj one. My polls are more interest checks than promises, I just want to gauge what the majority of people are hyped about so I have an idea of what to focus my attention on when idk where to start. And technically speaking, takeout(shimhyo spanking fic), won that poll, but I'm having trouble writing bratty sub bottom Hyojin 😞 idk my brain is thinking about 1272747272 different things at once so it's really hard for me to lock in on one project. I just had a 5 fic hyoj posting streak on ao3 so I think it's time to give the rare pairs a chance 🥲

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