Anonymous Anus · 1mo

etion mk

When Changyun finds him, Minkyun is deep in thought in front of a display. "What's this for?" he says as he holds up a two pack of thin wires with brush heads on one end.

"I think that's for cleaning reusable straws."

"Oh… yeah…yeah that makes more sense," he mumbles.

Changyun's mouth twists up in an endeared smile. "What did you think it was for?"

Minkyun looks at him grimly.


Changyun spits up the sip of iced coffee he just took and it dribbles down his chin.

"Sounding?!" he hisses in a low whisper, "Why would they sell that? Why would you THINK that?!"

Minkyun's cheeks flush and he sheepishly puts the straw cleaner back in its place. "I dunno…"

Changyun wipes his face off on Minkyun's hoodie sleeve and shakes him, asking him over and over till he relents.

"Fine. I was uh… I was watching videos the other night and—"

Changyun lets go of him and starts walking away briskly. "Oh my god. No. Stop. Shut up, don't talk to me anymore actually."

"What!" Minkyun yells after him, "I was curious! It's normal to be curious! Healthy even!" he catches up to Changyun easily in a few long strides and corners him in front of a display of plates.

"Haven't you ever been curious, hyung?" he's got an eyebrow raised and a shit eating grin on his face.

Changyun tries to shove him away but he's too strong. Minkyun catches his little hand and pushes Changyun's back flat against a wall.

"Watch it, you idiot." Changyun hisses at him again, struggling to get away. "We're in public."

"Public?" Minkyun's grin curls around his teeth. "Hyung, we're in IKEA at 8pm on a Monday, there's nobody around."

Changyun pulls his ball cap down further over his face and grumbles about decorum.

Minkyun pushes closer. “If you're worried about being seen…” he whispers into Changyun's ear. “There's a bathroom over there.”

Changyun drops his iced coffee.

Thankfully, it’s basically empty, so it doesn't make much of a mess. A bit of it splashes up onto the leg of his beige sweatpants though.

“Yah! You ass! Look what you did!” Changyun swats at him and finally uses both hands to push Minkyun away.

Minkyun stumbles backwards, still smiling. “I'm not the one with butterfingers, hyung.”

“Shut up,” his ears are burning. He turns on his heels and marches off towards the bathroom. “I need to rinse this out before it stains.”

He looks back at Minkyun, who is still standing dumbly by the decorative plates and placemats.

“Well, come on. I need someone to watch the door.”

“Why do you need someone to watch the door?”

Changyun's already got his pants off and under the faucet when ‘Watching the door’ turns into Minkyun barging in the bathroom and shoving Changyun into a stall.

Minkyun crowds in after him and turns the lock.

Changyun is wide eyed and breathing heavy. Minkyun is just as winded, panting as he stands in front of Changyun.

It's quiet for several agonizing seconds.

“What?!” Changyun hisses.

Minkyun licks his lips. “Someone was coming, there was a lady walki–”

“Minkyun, we're in the men's room.”

“Yeah….” Changyun can see the realization slowly manifest onto Minkyun’s face. “Oh….Yeah. We are, aren't we?” he mumbles, letting out a shy little laugh.

Changyun shoves him back against the door and it rattles loudly on its flimsy hinges. Minkyun laughs louder.

“Unlock the door, I dropped my pants out there.”

“I can see that…” he's looking at Changyun’s brightly coloured, novelty spiderman underpants with great amusement now. “Why did you take your pants off to wash them though? Couldn't you have just rinsed your leg under the tap?”

He's right and it pisses Changyun off. “Shut up. Move.” he tries to push past Minkyun to go for the lock, but Minkyun doesn't budge.

“Yah, Minkyun, stop being an ass and–”

“You’re really cute when you’re mad, hyung.” he smiles wide, all teeth and danger. “Did you know your ears get red?”

“Minkyun…” Changyun warns.

Minkyun leans in and Changyun stumbles, falling back onto the toilet behind him. Minkyun manages to kind of catch him halfway down, so now he's just awkwardly straddling Changyun’s lap and holding him up from under his arms.

“You're so embarrassing,” Changyun grumbles, trying to shove Minkyun away.

“Oh I'm embarrassing?” Minkyun refuses to be pushed away. Instead, he decides to sit in Changyun's lap.

“Yes,” Changyun says flatly, “you’re embarrassing, you embarrass me.”

“Is that all that I do to you?” His hand wanders down to the front of Changyun's Spiderman boxers and he pokes at him like Changyun's dick is a bird that flew into a window and Minkyun is curious if it will ever wake up.

Changyun's stupid cock stirs to life and he curses under his breath, trying to shove Minkyun off him again. It's no use though, Minkyun is a big sturdy bitch, and Changyun can't even lift fifty pounds on a good day.

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