Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious Cat · 3mo

Have you ever woken up and thought 'I feel so loved'? Because, you seem like someone who's just so easy to love... This might sounds lebay but it feels like there's this endless flow of kindness and warm between you and the world. Your energy is so bright that just seeing you pop up on my timeline can makes me smile. I hope wherever you go, you're appreciated, I hope you're content. Semangat skripsiannya ya, Mahasiswa-Semester-Akhir Warrior! :]

I woke up this morning and seeing this lengthy note filled with kind words was more than enough to make me feel loved. I'm so grateful to know someone cherished my existence. Thank you for taking your time conveying all of this to me, it really made my day. I also hope that whoever you are, wherever you are, good things will always come your way. Have a pleasant day! :)

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