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Person · 4mo

Do you have any good fic recs that you always go back and read?

So these are my betareaders, but I really, really enjoyed their fics before we knew each other:
- Pretend (DeluluMC, not finished, but still a masterpiece)
- Feels Like Home & Must be Dreaming (Chetmanning00, love it)
- Darling please stay strong (Chaengswife)
Others (finished)
- Catch me if you Can (forbiddenquill)
- Is this Enough? (Orphaned)
- Anything written by Artistic Groove
- Cinderella (Lila11)
- Dare to Love Her (Deukasido, also From Five to Six, but that's not finished)

Those are the ones off the top of my head, but if you want tips, read my fic "It's not easy for you", where TWICE reads fics and there's lots of great recommendations in the comment section.

<3 What about you?

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