R · 12 answers · 1mo

Do you believe in reincarnations?

Reincarnation, the notion that a soul is born again in a different body upon completion of its current Earthly journey… personally, I choose to look at this ancient concept from a perspective of respect for various faiths rather than as a tangible fact. While scientific evidence may seem scarce, one cannot ignore the prevalence of such beliefs in human history. Thus, though I do not claim to know whether reincarnation is real or just a metaphysical construct, I recognize its significance.

yes, i do. just like how the star through their supernova moment and find their perfect piece to become a new star.

I personally don't truly believe in it but I don't think it's impossible as well, since there are things that can not be completely comprehended by (ordinary) human's comprehension and capability to witness things.

Yes, I do. Beside we'll get repay in the next life, I think God loves us beyond our expectation, especially we are all His creatures. So, God will repay us more than what He promises to us.

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