✧.kory · 9 answers · 3mo

qotd: whats one piece of media thats had such a huge impact on your life.

ya'll can guess mine. (stray kids and evangelion .. ampers&one is climbing the ranks too)

final fantasy xiv, i can say 100% whole heartedly it is one if not the best community i've been in and i'm sure a lot of people feel that way too. everyone is so nice and there's always a group for any and all aspects of the game such as the story, raiding, etc and it's just so nice. overall the story has a lot of importance in my life and genuinely helped me see things through a better light and it's something that i'll always remember , and helped me meet my current free company who are just the best to be around i'm just overall very grateful for the story and the community and it really helped me THIS IS SO CORNY but like i love it so much

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