Battlefield Causality · 5d

This may sound weird but I like how you draw Epel's naked body. I don't feel anything sexual but the way you draw him makes me feel good with my body and it's somehow aesthetically pleasing? It's just a realistic body, nothing revolutionary but still it makes me happy, he may not look masc but Epel still being a boy with that appearance is great. Boy can't escape the pretty allegations though

Thank you so much this means a lot to me!! As a transmasc myself who is very comfortable with my body despite it being kind of heavily feminine i felt like representing this side of transness too
I really wanted to give some sort of range between my trans headcanons, as leona being exceptionally binary but still no intention of doing bottom surgery and idia being very androginous despite the lankiness (?), epel sat right on the opposite of leona, also i think we need more pudgy looking epel, with no waist and a little tummy!!

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