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pestacular person · 9mo

what’s ur opinion on proshippers who don’t have previous trauma / don’t have a ‘reason’ to enjoy dark themes? i always feel bad because i know a lot of proshippers enjoy the things they do as a result of / to cope with trauma, but i’ve never experienced anything and thus feel really weird for enjoying these things without a real reason

That's not bad at all! Dark fiction is just fiction and there's nothing wrong with liking it, no matter the reason. Fiction is used to daydream about all sorts of things and it doesn't just have to be a projection of trauma, it can also just be art for the sake of being art. I think a lot of times people have this idea of art needing to mean something, to have a deep and usually depressing backstory, when that's not necessarily true at all. Art historically has been used by all types of people, traumatized and not, to express anything they want. There's nothing wrong with that -- Infact, that's probably the best part of creation. Anyone can do it, anyone can make anything, and it doesn't hurt anyone. Your reason for liking proshipping can just be " It's art, and I like art. " And that's totally valid.

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