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iloo🦩 · 1mo

lu semua yang naksir dia menurut gw harus berhenti sekarang juga. karena apa? karena rowan hanya untuk gue. rowan is mine. cuma gue lah yang patut memuji muji dia, lo semua mending stop sebelum gw marah dan membuat lu semua jadi abu

𝖎 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚, 𝖐𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖓.

iloo🦩 · 1mo

terimakasih kepada meteor yang telah membunuh para dinosaurus yang membuat mereka jadi bahan bakar fosil yang kemudian diolah menjadi bensin yang mengisi tangki mobil yang kemudian mengantar mama rowan ke rumah sakit untuk melahirkan rowan

Travelers. · 1mo

I wanna get closer to you. (As a friend)

Hei, sender. Would love to connect as friends tho, please knock on me anytime.

joanne · 4 answers · 1mo

suggest me any songs please, i'm bored with all of my playlist lol

Travelers. · 1mo

Hello there. This is one of your mutual. Pengen deket sama kamu, tapi kayanya kamu rarely active ya? Hehehe ga berani juga sih buat ngobrol banyak... Tapi berharap mau deket. Anw bahagia terus ya, Rowan!

Hello, sender. I truly appreciate your intention to get closer; it means a lot, but I’m already into someone. My heart's been taken, and I'm committed to holding onto that special connection, still. However, I’m all for engaging and meaningful friendships, though.
So, if you’re up for being friends, I’d love to connect, just hit on my DM. Again, Apologize for this late response, and have a wonderful Friday, sender.

Aca. · 2mo

Kak rowan, gave me permission for me to followed you yaaa🙏🏻 thank you🙏🏻😁

Khaleesi Rue · 2mo

Hello new buddy, I'm sender from ssefnum. May i get a follow back? Anyways, nice to know you & I hope we can mingle well :D

Travelers. · 2mo

Do you set your eyes on someone?

Scent of someone's before sweetshirt still films the air around my door, so i couldn't and haven't set an eye into someone now neither planning to in the future. Friendship is all I seek for now, blessed soul.

· 6 answers · 2mo

gusy ada tips benerin jam tidur gak ya? jam tidurku berantakan banget 😔

Coba bangun pagi tapi jangan tidur siang, banyak beraktivitas, minum air putih sebelum tidur, hindari kopi di atas jam 11 siang.

Al. · 21 answers · 2mo

Kalau drained, kalian biasanya ngapain?

Tidur, ngobrol sama satu orang aja (kalau punya), pergi joging/olahraga sambil denger lagu.

Travelers. · 2mo

Hi! Mari kita berteman!!

Hey there, didn't see it coming, but sure, let's be friends. Feel free to shoot me a DM anytime.

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