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sillies · 5mo

Heyy Ena, do you know the artist for this I hate finding art on Pinterest bc people never credit 😩 I tried asking the person who has been posting these chibis (there's SOO many of them) but they still haven't replied and I'm not sure they will 😐 anyways, I know some artists who mostly draw chibis but I've never seen this style before???

I hope this isn't AI art since it seems to be everywhere these days, ughhh and some are easier to tell bc they're super ugly or have weird broken areas(?) but also some look very real/non-AI and sometimes I just can't tell with those

SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY but i fear that may be AI art imo,,,i've seen a bunch of similar-looking chibi Chuuya arts after searching for this one and none of them are credited or have an artist signature. it looks legit at first glance but upon closer inspection, Chuuya's left hand looks a little wonky, and the collar of his shirt doesn't look right (it almost just merges into the lapel of his jacket). i might be wrong but i can't seem to find anything. i'd assume if there's THAT many chibi Chuuya fanarts on pinterest (each with a nearly identical artstyle) all of a sudden, the source would pop up somewhere. but yeah just in general it's sooo annoying how there's AI art everywhere now UGH

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