Philo Florist
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Petal Pals · 3mo

Can you suggest some unrequited love meaning flowers?

Petal Pals · 3mo

Jer, bunga yang paling cocok sama kamu tuh apa?

Petal Pals · 3mo

Jere, cukup. Jangan ngeprank. Mana aku orangnya gampang percayaan T_T

Petal Pals · 3mo

Jer, kalo aku rampok toko bunganya marah gak

I already gave it a listen. Such a good song, it does sound like a lullaby. I like the part when she sings "you could have mine"

Petal Pals · 3mo

which one do you like more? the scent of warm vanilla in a bakery or slight cinnamon in a cozy coffeeshop?

The scent of warm vanilla in a bakery evokes a sense of comfort and nostalgia, reminding me of sweet memories and cozy gatherings.

Petal Pals · 3mo

Jere katanya kamu naksir warlok, apakah benar?

Petal Pals · 3mo

jer kalo belajar coding pas malam seribu bulan apakah jadinya malam lailatul coder?

Petal Pals · 3mo

Jere, I'll send you pink carnation today.

Petal Pals · 3mo

Tebak siapa akuuuuu ;)

Petal Pals · 3mo

Hello! I never interacted with you but I really like the character and how you portray him so I've been following you since but don't really have any chance to talk. I hope this brightens your day even just by a little.

No need to reply to this retro or anything, I'd be happy if you just read it till the end.

Hey sender. Thanks a bunch for reaching out! Your message definitely brightened my day, so thanks for taking the time to share that with me.

Petal Pals · 3mo

Is that anyone who calls you Jerry? If there's still no one call you Jerry, may I call you Jerry as you know the person who always called you Jerry is me!! (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ

Haha, sure thing, Jerry! If that's the name that sticks with you, feel free to use it.

Petal Pals · 3mo

Suggest me some flowers to draw! ( ◜‿◝ )♡

lunaa · 3mo

Jemmyyy, do u have any suggestion about flower to give to ex? Ex yang pisah karena perbedaan keluarga, padahal kita satu frekuensi (mungkin sekarang udah nggak), dan i still love him but hate him too (complicated feelings). Plus masih belum bisa move on karena terbayang momen2 bahagia sama dia...

Dealing with complicated feelings is tough. Something neutral yet meaningful could be a good choice, like white roses or daisies. They convey purity and friendship without sending mixed signals.

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