Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

blooming flower · 5mo

do you think it's a foolish thing to love people wholeheartedly? now that they're gone, I don't know where to put down all this love.. how can I unlove and unlearn all the things that reminds me of them? the broken trusts and promises that they once made. I thought I could cherished what's left behind but once again, they've prove me that I'm wrong..

Of course it’s not a foolish. Loving people wholeheartedly is such a brave thing because not everyone can do that. But you, you are so brave to love people wholeheartedly. How kind you are. And you don’t have to put down all the love you’ve given to them, keep it in your heart, cherish it if you want to, so that you don’t forget that you’ve loved someone that wholly. I’m here if you want the warmest embrace. Please don’t give up on love. I love you. 🤍

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