Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hi, I don’t know what you were going through, but I just wanna say, I’m proud of you and you should too! You made it to the end of another day, and that alone is a victory. Thank you for surviving this far, I hope you are always healthy and happy

Sender, thank you! :( ini kalau memang Sender yang sama, saya mau berterima kasih banyak. Whatever happens in your life, itu adalah cobaan yang Tuhan berikan so that you can become a better person. Tuhan gak akan kasih cobaan yang berat to his servants, you can definitely get through it. Thank you for surviving this far, saya selalu berdoa agar besok dan seterusnya happiness always comes your way.

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