Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Do you have any plans to restock the GUMI Bokaro acrylic charms or the postcard set? I just came across your products and now I want to get as much GUMI merchandise from you as I can :) (the same question applies for the Stickerloid postcard set and the washi tape) And is there any way for me to be notified if they do come back in stock?

I actually do have some acrylic charms on hand but haven't have the chance to update the store (Just haven't had the time to count stock at all - sorry!) When I update the store I'll usually post on my twitter and instagram story, so I'll be sure to do that!

Stickerloid and washi tape I don't think I will be restocking as it's quite old work, sorry about that.

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