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anon · 2mo

Hi! I’m the pervious anon I was asking cause I wanted to request hakanise! (hakaba & nise kitaro) specifically uke nise aha probably hate fucking

anon-chan i am so so so sorry for the wait it completely slipped my mind. i hope it being 200 words makes up for it.....

Kitaro didn't bat an eye at his unexplainable return, not that he expected the boy– or, well, man, now– to, though he was insistent on establishing rules, (“humans like those, yeah?”).

They were brothers.
Kitaro was the older one.
When they had sex, he had to be on his front.

“You can’t expect me to get a hard-on from my own face," he said.

"I feel sorry for you," he said more often, thin, bruising fingers digging into his pale hips. "Lookin' like me of all people."

He learned not to speak, it made Kitaro less angry, but his–... brother always left his mark, tooth, nail, fist.

"Girls don't look at you." They do, but not the way Kitaro means.

"People think you're a freak." With what they did in the dark of their filthy apartment, he couldn't argue.

"You're lonely." He knows it's not about him anymore, Kitaro's only vulnerable when he's dick deep in a giving hole, glaring daggers into a bony, twinning back. "And you only have a spitting image in your corner."

Such an unforgiving god, bringing him back to comfort a cruel, crying breast with nothing but an ugly face and an eternally damp corpse.

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