Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Cupcake · 1y

ayumi! i happened to saw one of your drawings in my timeline and it amuse me a lot i could say. but! it doesn't end there. i then scrolled down to your tweets just to realize that we're on the same major. no. SAME UNI! but worry not, i don't know you personally, yet. it surprise me that much because i've never met someone in the same uni and major as i do here, so, i was wondering if we could be friends! though i'm guessing that we are not on the same semester

Hello!! Thank you so much for appreciating my drawing and reaching me out, what a coincidence! And yes, I’d love to be your friend please!! I never expect to find my fellow art student through retro as well yet I’m really glad to know /.\ Please do let me know your @ and I will follow you right away ❤︎ I’ll guess your semester later! XD

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