Cupcake · 5mo

ayumi, what is your favorite manga and anime? please recommend some of your top picks

Hello, sender! Thank you for asking, I’m excited to talk about my favorite manga!! I don’t know if this would fit into your liking but I really like Chainsaw Man and Noragami (waiting for the new season.. not getting my hopes up for the latter though) also Goodbye Eri, Studio Cabana, Blood on the Tracks (I like reading traumatizing manga, help). Besides the tragic storyline (help me), the artstyle is really really good and such an eye candy to refresh your mind! Those mangas also motivate me to draw, hehe ^^ I also read Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun and Tomie, I assume you can guess my favorite kind of manga? I read a lot of them, but those are my current top picks for now. Happy reading, dear sender ♥︎

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