Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous friend Β· 12mo

πŸ—‘οΈ 🌊πŸ’₯ 🧭 :3

life advice from pirate is to know your limits and respect yourself!! opinion of pirate's isssss umm hmm probably that way too many people are way too open with their mental issues online!! people can and will take advantage of anything they know they can use to do that!!! fun fact about me is i collect stickers!!! i love stickers... :3 I WILL TALK ABOUT MY STICKER INTEREST FOR THIS LAST ONE YAAAAY so there are different types of stickers right like with the actual stickiness and i like to use them for decorations n stuff but sometimes the cheaper ones slip off because the type of glue they use for it is really sucky and it makes me sad but pirate does not have the money for more expensive stickers u_u

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