Kate Matsuda · 6 answers · 1y

What's in a name? I mean we know parents giving their daughter the name of a state, like e.g. Dakota, or like a season e.g. Summer, or like many other things or items. While that seems a custom would you join in and name your daughter like the state of Sierra Leone(Mountain Lion), or the city Frankfurt(Furt of the Free)? Or like the season Carnival? Or like a utility? e.g. toilet brush? I mean I would not be surprised parents doing really shit stuff and naming their child OnionPressCharly. But what does drive parents to such extremes? Or is it only me? BTW. This is a long question and can only be seen when you allowed long questions in your settings. You're officially now a member of the elite!! ;)

Hmm, I guess for some things, even if they are already "preoccupied" names, I see why, some of them sound nice, which I guess is the main reason why some parents pick them.

Then again, the definition of what sounds nice and what doesn't is incredibly objective and I'm sorry for some kids on what names they have gotten from their parents.

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