Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Do you know yumeHolic? That's speedcore, right?

I didn't know them until this question, and yeah, they indeed also make speedcore!

And "that's speedcore?" as a question is understandable because you could technically qualify everything past 300 BPM. There's a bunch of like specifications or "sub-genres" when it gets even faster. Like, when it's barely considered music anymore and just sounds like a single tone, Extratone, at above 1000 BPM usually.

And a lot of speedcore artists also produce stuff that's more in line with like general hardcore stuff, because it's more pleasant to listen to sub-300 BPM stuff too. Where it then goes into the regionally influenced hardcore scenes of UK Hardcore or J-Core and the like.

The "fast and loud" music scene has a lot of names for a lot of types of music and I don't even really give much about it, I just like when it sounds good!

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