Anonymous Coward · 4y

Zoubisou has just posted a racist post on her home page. So as a German do you hate the French too ? Is that why you took her side. ? This issue is not over by far.

Sorry, I can't take you serious. You still imply I'm taking sides, but you best should know I just boot everyone who doesn't behave on the rules, that included her before as well.

And as mentioned, if you are able to respond to stuff worth reporting with even worse things, you basically invalidate stuff. We could continuously ban both of you for trolling/etc. pp., but you'd keep on doing it anyway, whatever side would instigate this behaviour over and over again.

The RS team is rather small, and if we get 40+ reports on a comment chain where both sides fire at each other, we can't just care about it anymore. It's not about us wasting time on you, it's time for everyone involved to grow up.

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