
a line of infinite ends finite finishing
the one remains oblique and pure

arching to the single point of

find yourself
starting back

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Hidden Familiar · 7mo

What is your favorite pop?

as far as stuff that's widely available, Diet Pepsi.

If you can get a good local root beer though that will clear anything anyone's selling in a store.

Hidden Familiar · 11mo

You are given a wish by a Disney hating genie. You are forced to erase one, non live action, non Pixar,theatrical Disney movie forever. What do you erase?

Hidden Familiar · 11mo

what is your favorite breed of kitty

also, chocolate milk or grape soda

Hidden Familiar · 11mo

Considering the diverse range of variables impacting multi-dimensional data analysis within a rapidly evolving technological landscape, could you please elucidate the underlying algorithmic methodologies and statistical models employed in your platform to ensure robust inference, accurate predictions, and optimal decision-making capabilities?

Hidden Familiar · 12mo

If you were transformed into some sort of bug which insect would you most like to be

Hidden Familiar · 12mo

What do you like most about baiken

Hidden Familiar · 12mo

What is the most S-Tier animal?

Probably the blue whale, considering that it's the largest creature that's ever existed on land or sea.

Big Smalls · 12mo

How many olives can you balance on your forehead for at least 5 seconds?

Hidden Familiar · 12mo

If you had to choose one animated character or video game character to spend your life with, who would it be?

Hidden Familiar · 1y

do you like celeste

Yes! I've never beaten it, though. The later parts get pretty tough for me and I always feel like using the slowdown stuff is cheating, even though that's ridiculous a thought on my part.

Hidden Familiar · 1y

What's your favorite Precure season?

Hidden Familiar · 1y

what's your favorite genesis game

I Know This is You, Josh

(To be honest I don't really know, I've not played many Genesis games.)

Hidden Familiar · 1y

If you could eat exactly one (1) historical figure without killing them, who would you pick?

Well, this is quite the question. You didn't actually SAY that there's any benefit to this, but given the framing I am going to assume that if I consume them I gain their "powers" like I'm Kirby. I think that's a fair assumption, don't you?

In which case....well it's still a very difficult question. Definitely someone either very intelligent or very charismatic (preferably, both). Maybe...JFK? As a very tentative suggestion?

A good question all around.

~ Agathe L. Black

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