Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Para petualang kehidupan · 9mo

Hi, Fylnn. This might sound weird, but I once saw you replying to your friend's tweet with knowledge about Indonesia, and I found out that you're actually attractive. Your sexy brain is chef's kiss. So, if I may ask, do you currently have your eyes set on someone? And sorry if I'm bothering you, hopefully, we can still be friends!

Hello there, adventurer. Terima kasih atas pujiannya (i take this as a compliment ya) Gak apa-apa yang aneh itu kalau makan sereal susunya duluan (becanda, everyone have their free will) Sejauh ini belum ada dan tentu gue mau berteman dengan siapapun, langsung dm aja nanti kita bisa diskusi lebih banyak ya

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