Anantara Elthanio · 4 answers · 2mo

halo teman, hari ini ada cerita apa?

Can this still be answered? But, there's been nothing going on today, it's all been pretty flat and boring.

Kemarin... capek... 5-5-5 5 jam melototin laptop, 5 menit ketiduran, 5 jam nulis tugas... Senin bener-bener deh, how about you Elthan?

Halo Ananta. Hari ini habis nonton film yang bikin kupu-kupu terbang di perut hahaha tapi lumayan sedih juga…

Nothing special actually, but idk I feel extra tired. Maybe it's because it's Monday? Lol
How about you elthan? Gimana hari kamu?

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