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yurihead · 6mo

im interested in your take on how marcille might have realized/come to terms with loving women. with your perspective of marcille constantly trying to live up to an idolized version of herself- i can imagine it would Not be easy for her to accept being Not Straight in any capacity

I think she's a little too egotistical to have trouble coming to terms with something that big about herself? Idk how to explain it but like. She feels things So Much y'know and her love for Falin has always felt right and good even when it does get tense bc of all the problems. I don't think she has quite enough self-loathing to take something that feels THAT right and hate it enough to make it a weapon against herself?? The most I think she'd struggle with is not feeling embarrassed about people knowing it about her because of whatever societal stigma there might be, but I don't think she'd struggle that much with smoothly incorporating it into her self-image to begin with.

That or she skips over the "liking women" part and treats her attraction to Falin as if it's because it's Falin.

Disclaimer that I don't usually delve into this kinda stuff bc I never had that problem dhdhjdf when I was a teenager I WANTED to be a lesbian and was more scared I was "faking it" so

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