Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

luna · 10mo

btw i really think the fact you're writing again is so good. like, the sheer amount of courage it takes to take back on the "pen" and write out what's on your mind is admirable. i am very very proud of you and to see your progress in the little steps you're taking into your confidence yet again is so honouring. i hope to see even more of those!! you do write very well aims, i hope one day you'll be agreeing freely with me without your words tugging back at your tongue. ly!!!! <3333

wait wtf why did i just notice this you whore why are you being so nice to me wtf wtf wtf this is too kind oh no i have emotions again ;-; <3 ty Luna even thO YOU'RE RUDE, you're truly kind ;-; <3

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