Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

The King's Subject · 1y

Hello, Noe! We’re not mutuals but I would like to say thank you for being a good person (I saw your interaction with some of my moots and you seem super nice and friendly). I really hope we can cross path and befriend. :] Please always be happy. Xx.

Oh my, hello there. Thank you for the compliment, ya? I appreciate it so much. You being here in my Retrospring also proves that you are as much of a good person as you think I am, or perhaps more. In the end, I'm trying to be better by interacting with all of my mutuals equally.

If you wanna be friends, my DMs are always open, or you can let a friend know that you want to be mutuals.

Please be happy too, anon.

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