Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Secret Askers · 6mo

hi!! its mee again yeaayy! anw hows ur day, J?? everything is okayy? aku harap hari mu selalu baik. Kalau pun nggak, aku marahin nanti harinya. Eh aku mau pake inisial H for this time, biar dirimu ga bingung jugak hehe, have a great day J -H

Hello, H? I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply. 😅 Wah, pas banget tuh. Kalau boleh tolong marahin harinya, ya. Dari kemaren bikin sibuk sampe gak sempat balesin temen-temen, termasuk sapaan dari kamu. Thank you, H. Hope this week will treat you kindly.

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