HornyKobold · 12mo

Imagine someone giving you the option to become certain rarer species that you do not know / don't know if you like them. You can change to the next one after one day.

Only catch? If you stay one for a week it becomes "permanent". (until you change again)

Do you take the chance? And what might be species that qualify for this?

I would absolutely take it.
Depending on WHO that someone is of course I'd go along with it and stay that way as long as they like and as I can endure!

I have a place I profileplay with a friend, who I secretly hope does just that. Picks species they want to see me as, no matter if I have ever been such was and then I will simply accept it ~
They did that recently and it lead to me really, really, really plummeting into a brainrot state which I am still struggling to claw my way out of. Did it a few times by now, leading to various forms I have adapted for myself by now.

A species which might qualify for this WAS the displacer, or the Kobold. Fuck I didn't like Kobolds at all, they were the new Protogen, the new Dutchie. Everywhere, unoriginal, all samey, trying to force some D&D Bullshit into my timelines all over the place everywhere and... then ... It changed. Changed a lot. By now I feel more comfortable as a Kobold than I do as many other species, my owner Rey even feels more comfortable as a Kobold than his actual sona!

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