HornyKobold · 12mo

Are there any NON-furry/scalie/avianish fantasy species you would like to TF into?

Yes! I am sure there are!

Also... avianish? I have only been a birb once and that didn't last long! I mean there's the magpie Fussel but still!

So there's a few species!
I'd absolutely love to be an elf at some point, just to show a friend of mine they aren't even half bad to be around! Also stuff like erm... hrmn... let's see... Demons and Angels would be fun, even though I'd prefer Demons. Also Elementals! Imagine being a being made of water, being able to slosh and flow around your friends and turn them into happily cooled friends in summer!
Or... hrmn... most of these species are furry or scalie... so I came to telegram and asked you if you meant bipedal "furry2 or like "fur having", let's see wht you answer.

Okay, you told me Nekos and such would be allowed in that case...
Yes I wanna be every shape of Demi-Human ever! A half-rat, a Catgirl, a puppyboy, a racoon or fox-person, maybe even a satyr of sorts, but I am not sure about that. Gorgons and Lamias sound fun, so do dryders (damn I do have a crush and maximum bodyenvy on that one dryder...) and erm... erm... lemme think... I dunno I don't know many fantasy species, but to be honest?
I'd also love to know what it's like to be a bunch of monsters. Like Liches and Undeads or Succubi and Incubi. Damn, imagine gaining sustenance from fucking people and fulfilling their deepest sexual desires!

HRRRRRRRRRRRRR... even fucking Treants and Golems! I just wanna be EVERYTHING as long as it means I get to experience being something cool and new and exciting! (see last answer)

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