Rlocks · 12mo

I have another question for you, my friend! What do you think you would do first if you were turned into a clone of Drarqoq, my null lizard fursona? Clothing, powers and all, while keeping your mind!

First things first: I'd complain about being null. Nothing I hate more being done to myself than being robbed of my privates.
And then... punish the one who did it to me, I'd say ~
Mighty need for one less handsome lizard in these lands now, so what to do to you? Let me scurrie through what is you inside of me and find some fun, maybe a shiny polished statue, maybe a lovely suit of armor, maybe I merge you with your own clothes so you can be a semi-animate set of Drarqoq Equipment, after all, I'm gonna need clothes to wear if I take your place, for a while, right? ~

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