Fussel · 5 answers · 2y

I offer you the perfect rubber suit representing your sona/OC, just as you always wished to have and you get to keep it!
The catch: except for hygene reasons you have to wear it for a full year non-stop. Taking it off for said hygenic reasons will add back to the timer of a year and if taken off too long it will decay and be gone.

Would you take the offer? What's your reason for the answer?

Well I'd definitely do it. Worst case it decays and I'm very sad. But other than it is just a win cause rubber suits are very hot and I'd feel very good wearing one of my sona. I'd get do much Euphoria from this ahhhhhh

Oh absolutely >///> the squeakier the better!
What I can't decide is whether I want to to be tight or puffy

I would take the offer immediately. My reason is who doesn't want to be their Sona? I would love to be like them. It would be weird in public or at work and on some other occasions, but I think I can deal with a year.

Take it! That sounds very wonderful hehe~
And doesn't soun like it would impact Yuki's routine too much ^^
Just a whole lot of explaining of why he's wearing it! But maybe Yuki would become a mascot for bad dragon or some kind of BDSM company for a job instead! Then Yuki wouldn't even have to explain himself!
Boom~ all sorted ~

I would do it, I basically get to wear the suit all the time in that case and that's pretty fun. If anything I want there to be a catch that after a certain amount of time, the suit permalocks.

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