Anonymous Coward Ā· 1mo

fav bg ship dynamic??

SOOOO i really love all bg ship dynamics i will tell u why then iā€™ll tell u my favorite.
bg + sb are like. they are soulmates. it doesnt even have to be romantic. they have such a deep understanding of each other there doesnt even need to be words between them. theyā€™re just so natural with each other. im so obsessed with the ā€œi like becoming childish with youā€ thing soobin said like they are so comfortable with each other and have so much fun tgt on top of understanding each other emotion wise.
bg + yj are like so so cute and playful and bicker-y but when it comes down to it they also have a beautiful bond as well. yj takes care of bg so well i love how they can go from petty to sweet so quickly.
bg + th i feel like tyun inspires bg to be better in any and all ways and tyun id just sooo earnest abt giving bg all the attention he needs and deserves. he is so kind and sweet with him.
bg + kai match each others energy SO perfectly like they are little rascals together. they are cutie patooties together. theyā€™re just such a good fit itā€™s so fun and silly and adorable and cute and i love how bg always wants to be reliable for kai
MY FAVORITE ISā€¦ soogyu.. but i do love allā€¦ soogyu just really got my attention bc of how perfectly in tune they are!!!

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