Anonymous Coward · 17d
importantquestion who do you think matches each other's freak the most? yeonkai come to mind immediately to me. Have You Seen them. but also soogyu and beomjun 🤔 they're all a little crazy with each other but all in different ways and it's beautiful

ok this is hard bc i genuinely feel like all the members are REALLY good with matching each others freak but since u mentioned yeonkai u have scratched an itch in my brain and im like… yeah ur so right… bc i think yeonkai are like. weird /affectionate boys u know. Weird boy 1 and weird boy 2. so they match each others freak like super well without much effort. do you know what im saying. so anyways yeonkai deep kiss when. woah who said that. soogyu puppy play constantly displays them matching each others freak and thats just 1 example. i agree beomjun match each others freak too but i cant even describe why its just like. Look At Them.

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