Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Ethereal Soul · 7mo

Hi, Aya? I knew about your account from my friend. You know, I feel bad that you have to get death threats and hate speech. You don't deserve it, no one deserves such horrible things. I probably don't know you, but I know you're a good girl, I can see that. No matter what happens, be strong for yourself. You didn't do anything wrong, but it would be better if you stay on guard, right? Thanks for holding on, gorgeous. Thank you for doing your best until now.

Best regards, L.

hello there, thank you very much whoever you are, thank you for your kind words! i really appreciate it, made me tear up tbh hahaha ;3

don’t worry, i feel better now. for whoever you are, i hope you always find happiness and that there are always good things that surround your life. once again, thank you very much ya, Kak L! <3

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