Vel · 3 answers · 23d

Who, in your mind, is shrimply the best?

If i were to have to pick a favorite human, in terms of contribution to humanity instead of who i favor because they're close to me. I would have to go with Linus Torvalds, even though yes technically it was just his kernel that got all of the attention he does a considerable amount of things. A lot of people look up to him and instead of being a corporate shill he is a very down to earth person. Yes he goes on tangents and gets into heated debates especially on the kernel mailing list; however, that in itself is nothing in comparison to how much things like Git in particular, or the Linux Kernel itself have allowed.

His contributions to not only the kernel itself (i mean he admits he does very little code now on the kernel he more manages the people on it even a couple years back i think it was 2017 or whenever he admitted to using fedora). He has created an incredible community, and while yes subcommunities around linux/foss as a whole can suck ass it is not fair to blame torvalds for that. He stands up for everyone, he makes everyone feel heard. He's done a lot that most people don't see directly, they just see the indirect impacts from other people copying his sentiment. I know he's a bit more widely known but still to this day if i went out in public more people would recognize Bill Gates than Linus Torvalds. Linus has done so much more innovation alone that isn't hidden away, that doesn't exploit monopolies and such. It's really hard to compare anyone to him and what he has done in particular not only as a developer, but as a community leader, as an inspiration for young people to look up to in a world they feel is unjust. he very much gives people that "power of the people" vibe at least to me.

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