Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon🖤 · 3mo

'in the company of wolves' what a beautiful title for a truly life changing fanfic. however long this outstanding piece of writing stays in my soul, is the same amount of time i will love you for, which is forever. i'm saying, i will cherish this genuinely forever. i'm being extremely sincere when i say this, i cried 4 different times reading it, this fic which i will gladly call my favorite. i mean it with all my heart, my will, and all my love for you. every time i read a new fic, i always compare it to yours, and its never as good as this absolutely timeless piece, this truly defining artwork that captures all the great aspects of sukuna, megumi, and their dynamics to each other. the way you portray them and their feelings for one another, i aspire to have this unique creativity. you truly have a gift of writing , you deserve to be known. the way you write is so captivating and pleasing, you really do have have a talent for this. i hope you know and pride yourself upon that since you deserve all the praise, honestly. the way you write your thoughts on this fic, the writing really is an outstanding example to everyone how to make a fic that people will remember. i've read many, but this is genuinely the most lovely, impactful, and alluring fanfic one has ever graced me with. your beautiful mind, i notice and sincerely commend you for this. the part when megumi said those words, that dreaded cliffhanger, which i so hope you continue this fic for the joy of us all, i genuinely couldn't breathe. i've never felt so moved , so scared , so excited for a fic before, ill deeply adore it forever. the amount of sheer, authentic creativity baffles me. , i feel like i owe you something other than my words.. my soul perhaps? would you kindly take my soul in exchange for the peace i've been able to feel while reading this? you've pleased me greatly, blessing.

you are so kind, i’m actually speechless. thank you, this actually means the world im cryin!!! 💐🖤 sweet beloved anon, there will be more to come i promise.

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