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anon🖤 · 3mo

i've never written such a heartfelt letter to anyone, puppyzawa. okay enough of the poetry im sure you know how much i adore you by now! so the parts that made me cry.. oh my god i dont even want to think about.. well, the first time i cried was when megumi ran inside crying after sukuna yelled at him when they were in the car.. ahh ive never felt so much despair i really thought sukuna would have caved in and did what megumi wanted them to do together.. the second and most heartbreaking moment was towards the end, when sukuna was on the phone with megumi, and when he said that someone was touching him.. i visually reacted it felt as if my heart stopped when i heard that and cried my eyes out immediately... it felt like i could hear him say those words. and the third time i felt a sense of hopeless despair was at the very end when sukuna said he will be there for him.. yes i cried again at that part and also when i reread what megumi said, i really felt that in my soul you know.. ive come to realize you really know how to represent heartbreak and false hope so elegantly. so yes 4 times my tears have accompanied me during reading this fic that you've made.. ahh .. more to come i suppose? i'm finding it hard to write this all online, i wish i could give you my heart so you could know how i truly feel.

aahhh🥹 i know, poor megumi!!! wipes up all your tears, i feel very honored that you shed them for my work. you’re so sweet, thank you for enjoying the fic so much it literally means the world to me. i really needed to hear this, you came to me like a little guardian angel.

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