Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon! · 2mo

“use your words” GRAAAAH and yec is so shy about actually saying what he wants it’s painful

“i wan’ it so bad. i need you so much, please.”
“i won’t know what you want unless you tell it to me straight, baby.”

it takes about almost 10 audio messages before yec could spit it out and safe to say he cums as soon as ynh calls him a good boy 🤓

SHARKI HAND OVER UR THOUGHTS NOW I NEED THIS YVNSCNG BRAINROT SOOO EFFING BAD ys is so pitiful and hes so used to the other members folding in half when he brings out his puppy-like begging but yh…yh is mean and enjoys pushing ys to his limits hehe

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