
freaky ocs r fun !

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Anon · 4d

does kiwi have a favorite food?

Anything easy to make honestly, but sometimes she likes to make shaped macaroni and cheese :p ! She likes the texture of the shaped pasta and finds it comforting somehow since it reminds her of childhood. :]

Anon · 7d

may i ask why kiwi goes by a preferred name?

She doesn't like her legal name, but it was originally an online alias to give herself some anonymity! (as she pretends to be a femboy online) But she found herself growing attached to the name- the only time she'll say her legal name is if she has to like at the bank- and around family! :>

Anon · 8d

Is Kiwi wasian? :3

Anon · 8d

hi!! i would love to hear more about kiwi, what's the basics of her lore ?

Anon · 8d

How would Kiwi react to getting pregnant (consensually or otherwise)? Honestly taking care of her and doting on her when she’s 8-9 months preggo is such a fun thought imo

I have an AU with @/mechanical_being where her assaulter actually keeps trying to get her pregnant until he succeeds- and she's horrified for obvious reasons to learn she's pregnant- she would not be happy and would probably try to terminate as soon as possible. She's already unstable, she can't have pregnancy hormones making it worse or making her gain weight... I don't think she'd ever WANT to be pregnant anyways, sadly(?).

Anon · 8d

Getting a footjob from Kiwi would probably be so unpleasant and I want one so bad

it would probably be REALLY awkward, but her feet ARE soft and well taken care of bc... she definitely takes foot pics for her femboy account and for weird discord servers shes in. basically, pros: soft, pretty feet-- cons: she doesn't know how to do it and you'll have to guide her feet

Anon · 2mo

do your ocs have any interesting scars? if so, whats the story behind them?

Kass has a sloppy neck scar from an attempt! :< -- Lilith has self-inflicted stigmata scars she gave herself on her palms and feet! -- Kiwi has two slash marks on her back from an assult when she was 18 -- Karter has a slash across his eye from a woman attacking him (defending herself). :> -- Maddy has Ryan's named carved into her neck :0 !

Anon · 12d

Has Kiwi ever topped?

no, she's too anxious to be comfortable in any position of power/topping - maybe a powerbottom if she comfortable or really into it+the person-- she tends to replicate porn dialogue bc she's never really had "normal" sexual relations besides gooners online

Anon · 1y

What's Toby's favorite kind of person to fuck with

Old ask from a year ago! But I would say anyone with any vulnerabilities, male or female, preferrably younger but it doesn't matter. If he can find any doubts in your psych, he will worm his way in!

Anon · 2mo

Is there anywhere someone could get read the lore and story for your characters. (Like on toyhou.se or a thread)

I am working on a carrd, and I should probably work on my toyhou.se too honestly! DM me and I can honestly answer any questions you have for now!

Anon · 3mo

Are your commissions open or do you have a price sheet listed anywhere? I’m interested

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