Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Secret Admirer · 10mo

the past ~3 days of discourse made me reflect and think we turned our noses up at the "are you boy nonbinary or girl nonbinary?" question too fast
cuz... as an nby transfem myself, we rlly can divide it into boy or girl enbies lol
the REAL question is if people are cis or transsexual nonbinaries

but SOME ppl don't like that question cuz they're invested in speaking in a place of authority over the ephemerally constructed trans community on the topics of marginalizations that they may or may not have experience in, and the question has potential to call this faux authority into question. the "community" is not invested at all in centering the most marginalized, so the concept of positionality gets scoffed at

Thank you for sharing but I disagree and don’t really know why you felt the need to message me anonymously,where
we can’t hav a proper conversation about it,despite obviously knowing my stance.We are ALL marginalised and affected by violence at VERY similar rates( 01—02% differences )and I’m not even going to TOUCH that first paragraph of yours...

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