Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

a very normal individual Β· 10mo

i just saw the fansign video of mk talking about tds 3 in canada and i thought of you πŸ˜” since they're not coming (fawk sm!), which stops are you aiming for this tour? japan, or maybe north america? i hope you get tickets πŸ’•

sm really told us to choke and dye even with mark fighting valiantly for us... i have been keeping a little quiet about it but i'll be attending two japan shows and doing a little tourism there for the first time in a while! πŸ₯Ή the important stuff is arranged so all that's left is to get excited... i find north american shows the most stressful but depending on when they happen i might think about going. i hope you get to see them too, and may you pay a reasonable price for a great spot wherever it may be!! πŸ«‚

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