Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon ♡ · 1y

this may be a random question, but i'm about the same age as you, but i find it so hard to join these newer fanbases because of how unaccepting they are of "problematic" tropes/ships etc., compared to fanbases back in the day... 😔 and i've been wondering how have you been able to find spaces within these newer fanbases to safely still enjoy these "problematic" tropes/ships without feeling... i guess crappy (that's how i feel at least...)? it's just discouraging on my end and quite upsetting too... even if you don't reply, i still appreciate that you read this message. :")

it’s all good! 🫶🏾🥰 i welcome all questions!!

mm i think my major thing is that i personally have a zero-bullshit tolerance policy lol. i’m very upfront about what i enjoy! i tag things so that if people don’t like my content, they don’t have to see it.

if people leave comments i disagree with or say stuff that rubs me the wrong way i delete the comments, mute, and/or block them. it’s not worth feeding into the ploys for attention!!

for me, idk, i’m just very much in favor of doing what i love all the time and being unapologetic about it! i’ve been told that a lot of people enjoy this about me 😂

tldr it’s just important to be honest! like what you like, be clear about it. i always wind up finding like-minded folks in any fandom i find myself in. i do not let other people’s opinions on what counts as “problematic content” about fictional characters rain on my parade or influence what i want to do. i’m here to have fun!

idk if any of this is helpful haha. sometimes it can be nice to have a secondary account and “start over” just to have a fresh perspective, which is what i did! i don’t mind ppl following both/either of my accounts, but i find myself a lot less “formal” so to speak my unhinged account 🥰

feel free to chat me up anytime! i’m always down for it!

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