anon ♡ · 2mo

i love love love!! your untraditional abo stuff and especially for kdj/yjh. currently im also into ivantill so seeing you get into it has been a delight :D i wanted to know if there have been any ivantill abo thoughts? ive also been curious to see if a jealous!till can be done without becoming ooc. either way, love the works for both fandoms, thank you so much for adding niche fics, the spice and variety is MUCH appreciated!

wahhhh, this is so sweet and encouraging! 🥺 i was really hoping to make some new alnst friends and i'm glad people who liked my dj/orv stuff have been enjoying ivantill too! 🥰

YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE, NONNY!! oh my god do i have thoughts. i was literally tossing and turning a couple days go thinking about overse ivantill this is crazy LOL

tags/warnings: violence, dubcon, etc.

okay, so first of all, they are both a CLEAR case of alpha/alpha to me. i could go on my rant about how i think ivan is super sex positive because of his upbringing and till is super sex adverse but at the end of it all let's just say ivan knows how to do everything and anything expected of him in the bedroom - not necessarily that it's ever been to his own pleasure before. but we won't talk about canon rn (delusional 😌)

neither of them would be the type to bitch each other - mostly because what ivan likes about till is that till never gives up. he likes the thrill of the chase, the hunt, the fight. he's stronger than till and till knows it but that doesn't stop him from growling and hunting and broadcasting pheromones WAY too loudly.

i'm not sure how one or both of them would crack and how it would lead into them having sex in an a/b/o setting and maybe that's why i haven't gotten around to daydreaming up that AU for them yet 😂 we'll skip that part for now and just get into the actual particulars itself.

ivan is definitely a biter. i think he's usually able to broadcast his status over other alphas pretty easily, so the fact that this insignificant, unruly alpha is able to resist him is pretty thrilling. till gives as good as he gets, biting and clawing back in return. they never ever fall into bed together nice and easy - they're bruised up and worse for the wear. ultimately, ivan does still have the upper hand and till hates his fucking nature, hates that even in this it feels like the cards are stacked against him.

he wants to hate ivan too, for doing this to him...but he's a damn good lay. sometimes, till thinks about how much easier it would be if he could actually be a beta or an omega. if he could be just a little more pliant, maybe...say what you will about till, but i'm sure he knows his fat mouth gets him into trouble often and alpha pheromones wouldn't help that at all, haha.

for all the fighting that leads up to it, once knot is actually in hole, it feels really nice. till is super duper sensitive and ivan's slow purr of a voice rumbles through him. why does he always get so gentle, anyways? Is this a power play? ivan is just obsessed with you and he thinks you're beautiful and he would give anything just to keep you and for you to want him and (explodes)

i'm ngl i'm also just yk. a huge irl aroace who indulges in fictional megakinks (breeding kink most heavily) because that's what gives me good brain juice so i would be 500% down for bitching and/or omega + mpreg till, too, i just think a/a no switch ivantill has the same raw notes and potential for mess that i always love about them, so i continue turning that concept over in my mind.

imagine how fucking CUTE it would be to watch ivan or till clumsily attempt a nest?! neither of them have ever been taught i'm going to cry sdkfhhfjs 😭 it probably looks like shit but ivan doesn't care because CUDDLES WITH TILL 💞

as a side note i feel like ANY designation till lowkey hates the way ivan smells (maybe because he can't pin down what it is? maybe because it changes a lot? ivan smells consistent around him but he smells weird about other people)

meanwhile, till could smell like yesterday's garbage and ivan is like that's my man 🥰🥰🥰 love of my life!! (i don't think he's a huge fan of till's smell either but it's kind of like an acquired taste. it's souring to him and his brain is bent so it gets him off in a strange way because he doesn't like it)

thanks for asking and for listening to my ramble!! 😂🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾

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