anon ♡ · 2mo

Ur ivantill fic pleases my soul so very much. I kept thinking about Till returning the favor after all those drunken bj’s. Do you think Till gives good head or is he a tip tickler? This is very important.

omg!!! thank you so much, cutie 🥰🌺🌸 that means a lot to me hehehe

honestly, i think till is DOGSHIT at giving head, but it doesn’t matter because ivan would cum on his face in like 0.2 seconds just because till offered to give him a blowjob 😂

i think till is the type of person who’s fueled by spite though. so he would practice getting rid of his gag reflex with a toothbrush in secret (he is furious the whole time and blushing up a storm to boot)

meanwhile idk like ivan snapping is something that can be so personal…and ivan losing control because fuckkkkkk, till is sucking my dick he’s so pretty i’m gonna die and like pulling till forward until he’s teary eyed and choking and slobbering and—

ahem. anywho. 2/10 stars at the beginning for an eventual solid 7/10 but in ivan’s mind he is a 5000/10 no matter what he does. down horrendous. 🥰

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