anon ♡ · 2mo

just want to tell you that i'm obsessed with all your ivantill fics. the way you write them both is top tier. do you have any other specific ideas or wips currently?

omggg >w< eee thank you i'm extremely honored! 🥰

LOL head in hands 🙈 there are not enough hours in the day for all the ivantill fics i wanna write!! here is my loose plan:

1 - i really want to write a deconstruction "whatever-the-opposite-of-fix-it" is, digesting my thoughts on r6. i won't go into too much detail so as not to spoil y'all on that upcoming thread, but the basic concept of it has to do with till getting a better idea of what, exactly, ivan was thinking in the tragic yaoi angst save me

2 - unsure if it's going to roll into #1 or not just yet (a friend gave me an idea to combine my two ideas and i like it hahaha) but i want to also do a quick character study for till & how he's feeling post r6. we'll see!

3 - high school AU: SILLY GOOFY BOYS BEING SILLY GOOFY WHAT'S BETTER THAN THIS!! in my head this is just going to be quick and dirty with sloppy virgin 4 virgin ivantill fooling around in the bathroom. [heavily inspired by this art] which i think about every day there's just something sooooo good about till getting flustered just by being all pressed up against ivan and ivan being kind of oblivious about it because!! till??? getting hard for him!! WOWWEEEEE ^////^

4 - i'm never going to write this royalty AU (the concept is too long lol) but here is the extremely bare bones of it:

✮ ivan & sua are siblings (crown prince & princess)
✮ ivan has to get married to appease their parents & the court or smth
✮ sua is in love with mizi obviously who is a neighboring noble. ivan agrees to marry mizi on sua's behalf and they get to be in love in private
✮ till is ivan's stable boy who ivan has admired for his unruly freedom since they were kids
✮ till is in love with mizi from afar because he knows nothing will ever come of it - even though ivan has offered to give him an education and knighthood (to help raise his status); it kind of feels like ivan is fucking with him, flaunting the haves vs the have nots
✮ for some reason idk because i refuse to think that hard about this, ivan has to pretend to be dead at some point. till has no IDEA why ivan doesn't appear to love his wife and also ivan was a pretty solid ruler despite his shitty attitude so till is STRESSED
✮ (waves my hand) for some reason, sua pulls some strings to allow till to go and find/retrieve ivan (whatever reason he had to be dead is done with now) and they have mopey gay buttsex upon their tearful reunion (only after till beats ivan's ass for lying to him though)

that's all i've got for now! i'm sure an a/b/o or hybrids idea will hit me before too long...i'm pretty predictable LMAO 🫶🏾 thank you for your sweet ask! 💓💓💓

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