anon ♡ · 2mo

What about a crossover? For like ivanhyukie or hyukivan in wos world

my girlfriends... ♡ happy sigh...

ivan has that absolutely CRAZY guy dick sdhfkh i can't help feeling like if ivan was a character in wos/twsa he would definitely be plotting on hyukkie's downfall because there cannot be two bitches this bad at the same time!!

all jokes aside 🤔 how would ivan/hyuk work in anything less than just brainrot crackfic 😂 ivan would probably be the most similar to an anna analog -- constantly scheming and up to something, in a way that manages to piss yjh off. ivan more than willing to get his hands dirty and collude with the constellations, as it were, even as they each, in their own ways, creep further and further towards becoming outer gods

i think there could be a kind of miserable hatesex aspect to them because holy SHIT they are not each other's type AT ALL. but the enemy of an enemy is a friend (sometimes) and damned if ivan isn't smart af. so yjh has to go to him for intel sometimes.

it's a very much "nobody liked this" but the dick WAS bomb so i guess there's that. love wins 🥳

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