anon โ™ก ยท 2mo

A sprinkle of TillIvan type of ship? ^0^

  • Nvm abt having a sprinkle of TillIvan I NEED THE SEA OF IT I GOTTA TOUCH THE SEA OF TILLIVAN (if u get the meme)

gshjkfh laughing my fucking ass offffff ๐Ÿ˜‚ i will be incredibly honest that i cannot conceptualize top till โ€” not that till can't top it's just like. i feel like he would look down. and it's ivan. and he's like. (begrudging grimace)

ivan is just SO annoying lol. BUT i do think some funky dynamics that would be hilarious for ivantillivan are:

โœฎ fem ivan pegging till (good: till gets to enjoy tits, yay! bad: they are ivan's tits ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ)
โœฎ ivan babytrapping till (i can't think about this too long or i'll start short circuiting. but. he would)
โœฎ till getting SO MAD and beating the shit out of ivan for any number of reasons and choking ivan on his dick. except it just makes ivan hornier, till can't win

i'm sorry this is not a sea of tillivan for you, nonny...but i hope this little snack helps ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿพ

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