anon ♡ · 2mo

(anon who asked about your wips) omg all your ideas are SO good,,, really looking forward to those character analysis type ones because again i ADORE your characterizations and hcs and i know you will do such a good job 🙏 also that high school au art is Delicious and dumb horny virgins ivantill is sooo good... excellent flavor of ivantill... & the royalty au is SUCH a cool concept but i also can't blame you for not writing it, i too have massive ideas and go "welp. time to never write this out in full"

hehe thank you for the ask, luv! 🥰 i hope you will enjoy the stuff on the horizon and >w< i'm so happy you enjoy my characterizations! ivantill makes me SO feral.

LOLLL there comes a day in all creatives' life where you just have to accept that the idea lives in the DMs and you make peace with that 😂 it IS enough for me to ramble and be silly and call it a night 😤

i hope you have a lovely day/night ahead! 💖

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