anon ♡ · 2mo

oh i appreciate the explanation so much, this is very interesting!! till definitely isn't a maniac, and he feels like he'd definitely be quieter with the way he feels affection. (well most people would when it's compared to ivan)
does ivan feels like he can't hold onto till? it's such a disaster in his mind HAHA... i figure till isn't thinking about anyyyy of that
thank you for your reply, i love your works!! i'm incredibly picky when it comes to fics but your characterization is top notch

yes, i totally agree re: till’s displays of affection being quieter! i think he is. mm. words of affirmation make till feel good, but he is absolutely an acts of service person. and ivan likes receiving acts of service.

so even something as silly and cliché as till making ivan valentine’s day chocolate even tho ivan gets a BAZILLION every single year without fail is enough to have ivan gooey and huggy and stupid…he likes till such a regular amount :’)

as to your second point — very much so! ivan feels like till is sand between his fingertips. ephemeral, ethereal, etc. he was resigned to a lifetime of pining over till from afar except in this AU he let his demons win and menaced his way into till’s pants LOL

ivan has. i wouldn’t call it a sense of guilt. maybe it’s…mm. how do i explain this. i see ivan as a psychopath in the most literal sense, meaning that he has little to no natural sense of empathy. so. he doesn’t really feel guilt in the traditional sense. but he’s aware that he should feel guilty.

and also he has self-esteem issues lol. (only when it comes to till, though.) so he’s constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop and it makes him miserable but he knows it’s going to happen and the only way he can express himself is kind of to lash out? hahaha, hope that makes sense.

thank you for chatting with me about my silly opinions! i am a yapper hehehe i love chatting 🌺🥰💘

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